My parents aren't the only "mature" adults who have landed in Palm Springs. Palm Springs has been around for a long time...for thousands of years, the Cahuilla Indians established their village there in the winter months because of the natural hot mineral springs. Jump to the early 1900's when Hollywood discovered this quiet desert town...Frank Sinatra, Gene Autry, Lucille Ball...many stars had homes in Palm Springs or visited often to get away from the craziness of LA. Palm Springs soon became a year round home and many older retirees found their way there. And with year round living came schools, restaurants, parks and post offices...and 21 years ago....the PALM SPRINGS FOLLIES! There is lots to do in Palm Springs...there is a casino, a ball park for winter and summer league baseball, a desert museum, a tram to the top of the mountain on the western boarder of the city, lots of hiking trails, great restaurants....but there is nothing like the Follies!
The Follies was founded by a man named Riff Markowitz and a woman named Mary Jardin. In their program, they say that their "post-retirement Third Act (the starting of the Follies) may well be the greatest accomplishment because of the profound effect the Follies has had on the way we now look at aging in today's society." Why do they say this...because the performers in the Follies range from the age of 58-78! They perform 9 shows a week and sing and dance as if they were 20! All of the performers have show biz histories...whether in Vegas, on Broadway, in Film or TV and all of them are amazing. From the minute you walk in the door, a smile appears on your face and it doesn't come off until you are in bed asleep! It was truly a wonderful experience to see men and women....who have a few miles on their life to the fullest and not letting age get in their way. If you ever are in Palm Springs...go see what the new 80 is!

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