Hi everyone! Well...Fall has arrived and I am so happy! Don't get me wrong....summer was great! We had a graduation, a wedding, and a wedding anniversary....many beautiful days, great sales at Clutter, lots of fun with friends....and lots of hot, hot weather! It's nice that it has finally cooled down and I can put my flip-flops away and pull out my boots...especially my bright yellow Fryes! I'm sure in about 6 months, I'll be ready for my flip-flops again, but for now, I'll enjoy the cool days and my collection of cowboy boots!
Along with Fall comes a trip to the Pumpkin Patch and our "patch" of choice is Munson's. Even my 24 year old married daughter and her husband wanted to go...it's actually a tradition. This year, we piled 2 daughters, one son-in-law, 4 dogs, myself and my husband in our car and headed out to pick out the perfect pumpkin. The dogs were: Mercury (our black lab guide dog in training), Rufus (our career change second guide dog who was adopted by our daughter, Kimberly), Meyer (another career change guide dog who was adopted by her raiser and was staying with Kimberly and Kevin for the weekend), and Mozart, our 11 year old pet dog. You should have seen us all pile out of the car and head for the pumpkins....
We had a successful pumpkin hunt, eventually piling 7 pumpkins of all sizes, shapes and colors in the yellow wagon that I was pulling. We got to the stand and Mr. Munson made me a deal...he said that for $125, I could fill the wagon with squash, pumpkins and gourds as long as I kept it level with the top of the wagon...well, I couldn't resist! I just kept thinking of the butternut squash and pumpkin soups that I could make and the acorn squash with butter and brown sugar that we could eat on those cold fall days....It was great fun piling it in the wagon.....UNTIL...we had to load the car! With 5 adults and 4 dogs, there wasn't a lot of room left...we had pumpkins and gourds all over the place, 3 dogs in the back of the car and Mercury on my lap...it was so funny and we had a great laugh! As you can see from the pictures, the dogs weren't too sure about the whole thing!
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