Friday, January 29, 2010

Clutter Your World....learn something new!

Hi everyone! I'm up in the mountains right now, recovering from a bout of the stomach flu! Not fun but I think I am on the mend. I was just priding myself on the fact that I never get sick and then BAM....the dreaded stomach flu...yuck! It did make me realize that every once in awhile I need to slow down, so as my husband and friend went off to ski today, I am in the condo relaxing and writing my latest blog!

The theme of this blog is....Learn Something New! How often do you take the opportunity to learn something new? Especially as we get older...we tend to fall into certain routines, go with what's comfortable, not make the effort.....but there is so much out there to explore!

As most of you know, I'm a runner and last winter I was looking for something to do outdoors to supplement my running. A friend suggested that I learn to Skate Ski so I did just that! I took the 6 week program up at Eldora and started to learn to Skate is a wonderful sport, especially when you can get into the rhythm of the skiing, I encouraged my daughter to learn as well and this year, I encouraged a friend to learn. Last weekend we spent the weekend at Snow Mountain Ranch and did a Learn to Ski ( Cross country) program with Women's Quest...

Women's Quest was founded by Colleen Cannon after a very successful career as a professional triathlete. She is so positive and has so much good energy and she founded Women's Quest to introduce women to new activities and watch their attitudes shift from uncertainty to empowerment. Check out her website at will find so many neat opportunities or Quests to go on!

Speaking of Quests...Make it your quest to come down to Clutter to check out our new items...we received in some really neat lamps this week and a few other's going to be a beautiful weekend so come on down and Clutter Your World!




Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Clutter My World...with an Award!

======Hi everyone! Well, the Clutter gals had quite a nice day today! I received a phone call/phone message last week from Downtown Boulder asking me to attend the Annual Awards Banquet because Clutter was receiving an award. Actually, Diana listened to the message and excitedly told me that we were getting an award and that I needed to call Downtown Boulder, Inc. right away! If you have had the pleasure to meet Diana, you would know that sometimes she pulls your leg, so of course, I thought that she was doing just that! How, after only 5 months in business, could we be getting an award?! Soooo, I listened to the message, called DBI (, and sure enough, we were receiving the "Rising Star" award! I am quite proud because they only give out 6 awards and we are thrilled that we received one of them!

Opening a business is quite a journey...first you have the stress of finding the right location, then the stress of negotiating a lease. Then you have the stress of figuring out a name, spending what little money you have to purchase store fixtures, computers, awnings, advertising, and supplies...then you have the stress of getting the inventory and of hiring employees! Boy, did I luck out in that area...I have the most amazing people in the world working at Clutter and the Rising Star award is a testament to their dedication to making this store work on the stretch of 9th Street that so sorely needed a vibrant, successful store. I know that it's only been 5+ months, but the energy is so good, our consignors and customers are so wonderful, that I have to believe that Clutter will be a success for years to come.

There's one more takes a village to have a successful business and a vibrant community. Many of my customers are the owners of local stores/restaurants....Sherpa's, Chelsea, Savory Spice name a few. Speaking of Savory Spice Shop...Dan Hayward ( the owner) also received an award today: Business of the Year! Kudos to Dan and his wonderful store..check it out, it's on Broadway, just south of Spruce.
You can see some video advertising of both Clutter and Savory Spice Shop at

It has been rockin' at Clutter this week...stuff has been coming in and flying out! We do have some great furniture and home decor...take a look at the pictures below! Please come in and Clutter Your World!

Beautiful Asian pot on Again, call store for pricing

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Clutter Your World with Everything!

Hi everyone! Wow, what a week it has been and it's only Wednesday! On Monday morning, when I came into Clutter and saw some empty spaces ( due to great sales in December and early January) and no e-mails of furniture, I had a moment of panic! I knew I was going to see a storage unit that morning, but I had no idea what would be in it and I kept thinking, how are we going to sell things if we don't have things!! Well, I didn't have to worry at all! The storage unit was full of wonderful furniture and home decor and thanks to the recommendation of Sheryl Hadley, founder of Organization and Relocation ( a professional organization service),, the consignor chose Clutter to sell her beautiful furniture! In addition to the storage unit and new consignor, I sent out an e-mail to all 541 ( and growing) of our consignors for consignment items and boy, did they rally! Empty on Monday and full by Wednesday, I couldn't ask for more!

Here is some of the wonderful furniture we currently have in the store....

P.S. Also on Monday, I received a call from Downtown Boulder, Inc. inviting me and my staff to the annual Awards luncheon because we are receiving an award! What award? Well, the Rising Star award and I couldn't be happier! So stay tuned for a report on the luncheon and come on down to Clutter to see the Rising Star ( the store of course!) for yourself....

Mid century modern Dunbar chair...orig. fabric ( orange boucle?)...$795. The picture does not do it justice!
SOLD! To a discerning buyer
Asian style coffee table....$225
SOLD...both the table and the mirror!
Haywood Wakefield Vanity with Mirror and stool....needs some
Tender Loving Care but a great deal at $295


Sunday, January 10, 2010

Clutter Your World....with New Year's Resolutions!

Hi Everyone! Well...the Christmas clutter is finally being put away, the checkbook is balanced, the dogs are fed and it's now time to think about New Years Resolutions! Just so you know, I NEVER make a New Year's Resolution but I think they are good to make, in some cases. One New Year's Resolution that I think is good to make is one for your health. We live in the best little town in the world and we have so much just outside our front door to help us lead healthy lives. We can hop on a bike and pick up a bike path anywhere in the city.....we can drive to a hiking trailhead and hike in all around the foothills ( Sanitas, Chautauqua, Wonderland Lake, Dowdy Draw, just to name a few), and we can put on some running shoes and open our front door and fly like an eagle!

Speaking of running....I am in a great little running group with a fabulous coach...Gabino Toledo. Gabino has been a runner all of his life and competed in many marathons before being forced to "retire" due to a heart valve complication, which he had surgery for last year. I have been running with Gabino for almost 5 years now and I started as a novice...swearing that I could never be a runner...and I had every excuse in the world! I didn't want my knees to hurt ( I have never had hurt knees in my life!), I didn't have the time , I couldn't run on a full stomach...I couldn't run on an empty stomach, I had to be home for the kids. But one day, I stepped on the scale and noticed a few extra pounds...and I was heading towards my 50's and I knew that my metabolism would be slowing down and that I could start putting on weight if I didn't do something. Furthermore, I wasn't doing any kind of cardio excercise and I knew that to stay healthy, I needed to do something to get my heart rate up. I also LOVE to eat and I figured that if I started running, I could stop worrying about that scoop of ice cream that I wanted to have at night. A friend of mine had been trying to get me to join her small running group for a year and finally, I decided to go try it out. That was 5 years ago and I have been running ever since...I even ran my first marathon last October and plan to do another.

So, if you want to make a New Year's Resolution to get healthy ( forget about losing weight, just say you want to be healthy), then e-mail me at and I will tell you about my running group. We range in age from 30-65, we have fast runners and slower runners and novice runners and experienced runners. We don't just go out and run around...we do distance runs, short runs, track workouts, hill workouts, timed workouts and if you want to, we run races. We just ran the Lafayette Oatmeal race and had a great time! We run in cold weather and warm weather, we don't run in rain or bitter cold. We also do some fun social things....I have a Bolder Boulder party every year and a Running of the Lights party at Christmas to run and see the Christmas lights in my neighborhood and the surrounding neighborhoods. Some of us ( like me!), can even be talked into breakfast after our long Saturday runs. We run Mondays and Wednesdays from 4:30-6:00 and Saturdays at 8 won't believe how great you feel on Saturday after you've done your morning run! We do pay Gabino $65/month for his coaching but the first month is free. You can check out Toledo Runners at Gabino's

So, make your New Year's Resolution to get healthy and why don't you try running! In the meantime...Run on down to Clutter and Clutter Your World...we have some fabulous furniture and home decor in the store right now!!

SOLD! To a discerning buyer!
Table...SOLD! Red Chairs....$25/ea.
SOLD! To a discerning buyer!